Friday, September 08, 2006

Benedict the troll

Oh wonderful. Pope Benedict is romping around attacking Canadian social policy on gay marriage and abortion.

A choice quote from Benedict: "In the name of tolerance, your country has had to endure the folly of the redefinition of spouse," and according to the CBC report, he was quoted as "lament[ing] that Catholic politicians had yielded to 'ephemeral social trends and the spurious demands of opinion polls.'"

I certainly hope that tolerance and understanding aren't ephemeral! Maybe we should follow the path of vindictiveness and hate instead, and Benedict could return to happily rotting away in the Vatican.

Incidentally, one of the best pieces of papal kitsch that I found in Rome is a beer bottle opener with the pope's effigy on it. There's something delightfully subversive about using Benedict to open my beers.

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At 3:41 pm, Blogger Suzanne said...

What he's saying is that tolerance must be rooted in an understanding of values as being permanent and universal, meaning applying to all people. You cannot have true tolerance if you are a moral relativist.

I certainly hope that tolerance and understanding aren't ephemeral! Maybe we should follow the path of vindictiveness and hate instead, and Benedict could return to happily rotting away in the Vatican.

Gosh, no vindictiveness or hate expressed in that post. No siree.

At 9:36 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since Pope Benedict XVI was elected on April 19, 2005 he has spread a message of intolerance. He constantly speaks of homosexuality as a disease that needs to be fixed. HE has historically argued homosexuality is an "intrinsic moral evil" furthermore he argued "The Archdiocese should withdraw all support from any group, which does not unequivocally accept the teaching of the Magisterium concerning the intrinsic evil of homosexual activity."

It is obvious that Benedict's intolerance and lack of understanding are not ephemeral, they will go on. It speaks to your naiveté to defend his quote as you have....

Well I must go back and read the highly entertaining Harry Potter Books.


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